Ariel Khadr

Ariel Khadr competes as a model for IFBB Fitness Pro and is an official athlete for the organization. Ariel Khadr began her fitness show career when she turned 16 and she gave up gymnastics. The Pro Card was granted a year later, when she was 17 years of age. Ariel Khadr was an IFBB Fitness Pro competitor, model, as well as a sponsored athlete. She began participating in fitness shows at the age of 16, after she quit her gymnastics training in the early years of her life. At the age of 17, she was 17 years old, she won her pro card. She became one of the oldest IFBB Pro in history. Ariel was required to take an absence of six years from the stage after she received her Pro card to complete her college. After completing her college education Ariel returned to the stage in 2015. She continued where she left off in previous events, such as those of the Toronto Pro Supershow and Mr. Olympia. After winning her first competition She continued to compete for several years setting up new goals. She won another four fitness titles by the end of the year. In 2009, she became her NPC Team Universe Fitness Nationals Champ. She was also one of the youngest IFBB Fitness Pro ever (aged only 17). When she earned her Pro Card, Ariel went on a hiatus of six years from competitive sports to complete her degree at college. In October 2015 she returned to the sport with her IFBB Fitness Professional debut in 2015. Phoenix Europa Games. The show saw her finish in third place. She won the IFBB Toronto Pro Supershow in the summer of 2016 and was able to qualify to compete in the Fitness Olympia. After three months, Ariel took to the Olympia Stage to take home 6th in Fitness Division. Ariel admits she had no expectations. She was happy with her placement. Ariel competed against some of the most skilled athletes. Ariel has seen her body improve every year. Ariel loves to work out her back. Ariel's usual back exercises consist of single-arm pulldowns using lats, as well as pullups with a machine, along with bent-over rows. She will warm up prior to working on the sets. Ariel is also known for making use of every minute. This is accomplished by setting all of her back exercises doing 3 or 4 supersets of 10-12 reps. It is recommended to do this sort of exercise twice a week one day being light weight day and the other heavy weight day.

 Ariel Khadr  Ariel  i P Khadr  Ariel k  Ariel Martin  Ariel b


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